Beginner Kit

Python Fundamentals

The Resolute Beginner Kit is a great way to get started in the world of robotics and coding. It includes all the components required to build projects like the Automated Hand Sanitiser, the Home Automation System and many more. There are also fun challenges to test the learners’ understanding of what they have learned. This kit gives learners access to an online platform where step-by-step video instructions are provided to help them learn and build with ease.

Key Skills:

- Arduino and fundamentals of circuit theory
- Automated hand sanitiser
- Home automation system
- Python fundamentals and game development

Resolute Foundation NPC South Africa l Physical Address: 60 Glenwood Road Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria, 0081 Registration Number: 2021/999956/08 NPO: 269-057-NPO PBO: 930075501